Monday 17 August 2015


Hi everyone.. 

So as I mentioned in the into the west blogger group on Facebook...
I had a little brain wave to do a "Get to know my blog" tag...I just thought it's a great way to get everyone's blogs out there and for us all to reintroduce ourselves and also reminisce about past #itwbnbloggerevents. And I must admit answering the questions brought back great memories of what I've achieved personally sometimes it's great to just write these things down! :)

So here goes!!

1. So first things first describe your blog...

My blog is all about beauty, make-up and my own beauty tips I've picked up over the years.. as I'm a beauty therapist and I've worked in the industry for 10 years. I've been asked every beauty question you could imagine. I feel I have the inside knowledge to give honest and accurate reviews on different products and treatments.

2. What has been you're favourite product you have received through an  #itwbnbloggerevent?

We have been so lucky to receive some amazing products..I have a few faves but one of my top would be my young blood highlighter it's amazing I wear it almost everyday! It also came to Thailand with me!! 

3. Two things you learned from attending an itwbn event ?
  • I learned the importance of connecting with fellow my very first meet up I felt I belonged.. I was so new to blogging and I thought I was the only one with questions..the only one nervous to put posts share on Facebook..turns out everyone goes through this..and I just felt I could speak freely ask those questions I felt were silly! 
  •  After every event I always walk away full of positive energy and new blog post ideas! The events keep me motivated..every time I go I remember the feelings I had at my very first event.. I realised the fact that I could do this..I can blog..I can share all my beauty Knowledge and I have a support system around me in itwbn and all my blogger buddies who just get this crazy world of blogging! 

4. Who are some bestie bloggers that you have met from being part of the itwbn family!? This can be virtual friends also! 

I've been blessed to have made some amazing friends...real friends through being a part of  #itwbn..I would know these guys the longest..and we all interact a lot over social media and meet up at events and outside blogger chats with these guys xxxx
Here are all the links to their blog pages!
Mags...Mags Style
The Player ..The Galway Player
Sinead..The Yummy Mummy
Saibh...Wild Cosma
Sandra...A modern mommies world

5. Top 3 blogging tips on getting started 
  • Ask questions! That's the joy of being in a network..we all have a family of bloggers ready to help and advise. other blogs..share new posts ask readers what they think feedback is always great! 
  • Keep the blog layout as simple as possible.. Let the posts and photos do the talking. Try to go onto the blog as a reader...we can sometimes over look the smallest of details and they can make a massive difference!
  • Photos!! Put the best possible photos you can in the blog..experiment with different areas to take photos day time works best..the pictures are so important on a blog. 
6. Amazing things that have happens to you because of blogging? 

My blogging story has been quite know when you do something that just feels like it's are nervous but you know deep down its the right decision...blogging felt like that for soon as I set up the blog I met amazing people and so many wonderful opportunities have come my way all because I set up the blog and connected with the group! 

7. Favourite social media app and why!? 

I'm a Twitter addict...I admit it!!! It's in my opinion the best way to connect with brands..with fellow bloggers and get involved in various live virtual meet ups.

8. Favourite guest speaker from an into the west event 
One of the most memorable for me as I'm a Twitter addict was Philip from quickest fox marketing..his talk was all about Twitter and I picked up so many great tips from him! He also started the Galway hour and now a number of hours all around the country! The Galway hour really got me into totally get thrown into the deep end as it's extremely fast paced!! I've also Run the Galway hour a couple of times now that's an experience... I absolutely loved glad I had lots of Twitter practice before that!! Haha!!

9. Who is an inspiring blogger you look up to in the itwbn family who inspires you!? 

For me I have to say Sinead The yummy mummy is very inspirational..since the first time I met her she was bursting with energy for bloggers in Ireland she had a vision and a dream and it's been amazing to see how far that dream has come..she was as passionate then as she is now..she encouraged me to come along to my first #itwbnbloggerevent..she actually didn't take no for an answer! I would chat to Sinead about absolutely anything blogging or otherwise she rocks!! 

10. Where do you see you're blog in 12 months!? 

As my blog has just turned one I've learned a lot in my first year as a blogger and I've figured out what I'd like with my blog and little things like my logo,business cards and branding are now what I'm working on..for me it took that time to work out what I wanted and I'm still very particular about what I put on my another year I really want to move The Beauty Kemple up a level.. To become a brand and really focus on the blog posts! Challenge set!! :)

Thanks for stopping by and reading this slighty different post for me!! 
I'd love some of my fellow bloggers to get involved and answer my 10 questions!
Get in touch if you feel like giving them a whirl!! Just Tag me so i can have a read and post the links into the itwbn pages so we can all read and support and most imrortantly get to know your blog!!!! xxx 


The Beauty Kemple  

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